The Maias by Eca de Querioz


  This was literally a case of not judging a book by its cover.  The cover was awful!   The book was actually rather good.  The Maias are a gentry family living in mid-19th century Portugal, with money and position, but only one heir.  The heir marries a rather unsuitable woman, who presents him with a son and a daughter.  She then runs off with another man, taking the daughter with her.  Her abandoned husband shoots himself.  The baby son is brought up by his grandfather, and given the education of an English gentleman, this being the thing in upper class Portuguese circles at the time.   He becomes a doctor … which seems an odd choice, but he does.  However, he and his best mate go off the rails a bit, chasing around after married women.  And then it turns out that his latest mistress is actually his long-lost sister … which is a bit tasteless, but the book *was* pretty good other than that.

Considering that it was over 600 pages long, not much actually happened, but it was a good read!

Merry Christmas/Season’s Greetings, and a Happy New Year


Thank you so much to anyone who has read any of this during the year.  It’s probably mostly very boring, but it’s very therapeutic for me to write it, and I do get extremely excited if even one person reads any of it 🙂 .  The three most-viewed new posts of the year have been about Hitler’s Holocaust Railways, 1980s pop music and Queen Victoria’s children, which is a very weird combination.   Merry Christmas/Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year to anyone who’s read this far, and indeed anyone who hasn’t – and maybe in 2019 I’ll actually get through my enormous book mountain and TV backlog!

Merry Christmas


Thank you to anyone who’s taken time to read my historical ramblings over the course of the year 🙂 .  I shall try to write more in 2018!  In the meantime, wishing anyone who’s reading this Merry Christmas, Blessed Yuletide, Bon Nadal, Season’s Greetings or any other form of good wishes you prefer.  Make sure that you defy Oliver Cromwell by thoroughly enjoying yourself on Christmas Day, and have a very happy new year xxx.